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Welcome to St Paul's church, Tadley, St Luke's, Pamber Heath and St Peter's, Tadley Old Church.

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

Acts 2:46-47


December - the month ahead

Message from Rev Steve McKay

Rector - Benefice of Tadley with Pamber Heath and Silchester
Moderator - Churches Together Around Tadley

As you start to prepare for Christmas, I wonder how many gifts you’ve bought already?  Perhaps the idea of shopping fills you with dread.  For many, Christmas is a difficult time of year, a time when checking in on those who are alone is even more important.  

We remember that the greatest gift we've ever been given wasn’t bought in a shop.  No cash exchanged hands.  It wasn’t even wrapped.  Yet it cost the Giver everything.  It wasn’t a Black Friday deal, but a Good Friday gift.  How far love came to bring us home.  


This month millions will hear the gospel of Immanuel.  God with us.  Let preachers preach it, choirs sing it, Zoom declare it, kids unwrap it, rulers fear it, mothers hold it, cynics see it, people with heads bowed perceive it, those with debts receive it, and those souls whose faith has been shaken this year – believe it all again.  Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in the conspiracy of love.  


We invite you to celebrate Christmas with us in Tadley, Pamber Heath, and Silchester and pray that the joy and hope offered here will fill your hearts afresh with optimism that those who walk in darkness, this Christmas WILL see a great light.  


Check for updates via email. Like our Facebook pages: @St.Marys.Tadley | @stpaulstadley | @silchesterchurch


We'd love to see you again or come and find us for the first time.​We love to welcome new friends, and have loads of groups and activities just for you!​Scroll through this site to see some of the activities that we offer, or use the contact form to get in touch. In the end, websites are just a shop window, visit us to find out what we are really like. You'll find a church that is honest, hopeful and trying to make a real difference for good and for God in its community. 

Holy Communion at St Paul's Tadley

First and Fourth Sundays 9am

This is a great way to start your Sunday and is normally finished by 9:30 am leaving you the rest of the day free.  This is a fantastic opportunity to pray for friends and family and be fed in word and sacrament as you begin a new week.

Cafe Worship

First Sunday 10.15am

A new café style service at St. Paul’s led by Steve which will vary between morning worship and Holy Communion, but always a time of eating together with worship, discussion and fellowship. Join us from 10:15 on the 1st Sunday of every month for café worship.

Midweek Communion at St Luke's 

Every Wednesday 10am

Do join Cathy for Holy Communion every Wednesday at St. Luke’s at 10 am.  Friendly, relaxed communion for those who need a bit of space with God in the week. Pop your head in the door and make yourself at home. 

Sunday Worship at St Paul's Tadley

Sundays 10.15am

Every Sunday (except 2nd in the month when we have Messy Church at 10am), we have a great family-oriented, accessible service for all with music by our band.  
There is also an amazing children’s group in the hall from 10:15 am with Messy Church-style stories and crafts. So the kids can have fun, while you enjoy the service. 
Good tea, coffee, and cake are served after the service.


The Mission of our Churches

Faith.  Love.  Community.

Our churches are gatherings of people from Tadley, Pamber Heath and beyond that meet together to thank God for His love, encourage one another in faith and support each other in sharing God's love with our neighbours.

Our vision is to love both our God and neighbours. St Paul helps us to understand the nature of this love; patient, kind, without envy, free, selfless, trusting, hoping, truthful, and perservering.

We welcome everybody, regardless of your history, beliefs or lifestyle to join us in the pursuit of God and the common good.

Church Interior

Three Buildings ... One Church

The church is the people; our buildings are great places to meet each other, celebrate special occasions or just drop in to pray. People have laughed and loved, wept and prayed in these buildings for over 800 years.

St Paul's

St Paul's is situated on The Green, Tadley.  We are a modern, diverse, family church, which blends traditional and new worship and relevant teaching.


St Peter's

St Peter's, also called Tadley Old Church, is the 12th Century Parish Church of Tadley. St Peters, located next to Tadley Cemetery, is used for special occasions.


St Luke's

St Luke's is located in Pamber Heath. We are a growing all age friendly congregation, who run a variety of activities for young people, new mums and older people.

St Lukes 2.JPG

St Paul's and St Luke's buildings are fully accessible. We regret that, due to its age and location, St Peter's is not wheelchair accessible, and is not equipped with a hearing loop.

Church Altar


The Answers You Need

How to get in touch

You can stay in touch by following our Facebook and Twitter pages.

For all enquiries about services, weddings, baptisms, funerals, visits or when seeking any help all our contact details can be found via this link

Where can I found details of services and events?

We'd love to see you!

For our services please see our Facebook page or via our news page here.


We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all our members, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church community.

Please refer to our safeguarding policy and contact details here.

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